
My Editor Says

Sent my first Regency to my editor and she praised my attempt at the genre I’ve loved for a very long time. “I hope you write more of these.” She also said my manuscript has some plot features that make it distinct from the usual run of the mill Regency formulas. I was aiming for…

All the Diets

There I am eating a fish taco in Malibu many years ago. Was still drinking wine, too. Those were the days (when my gut health was still sturdy enough to allow wine). The topic is not wine, I promise. Nor is it whining. I don’t drink wine and I am fine. I also am vegetarian…

Slow Writer

The wine glass is finally empty forever. I may have mentioned this a time or two 🙂 I don’t miss wine as much as I miss my formerly sharp memory. My once lightening-like energy. My superior health. All of these things I miss…when I had them, I didn’t appreciate them. When I thought about slowing…


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