As Above, So Below

Cynthia Harrison Avatar

Important news from the stars for writers here on earth. Mercury will be retrograde from Halloween until November 20. I had to look at my calendar twice this morning because obstacles are already throwing themselves in my writing path. Luckily, I am in revision mode with the WIP, and Mercury Retrograde is an absolutely awesome time for revision.

Not such a great time for signing contracts or making new electronic purchases. Communication is a bit fraught during Mercury Retrograde, so watch your words, in manuscript and real life. That goes for delivery of mail electronically or through USPS, Amazon or any other kind of mail system.

Yesterday I was determined to get down to business on my WIP. I’ve been doing okay, more or less keeping up with my schedule despite some minor setbacks, but felt it was time to put all the pieces into one pile, read through everything I have, and see what needs to be cut and what still needs to be added.

Got all the various files into one master document and decided to print the whole damn thing out. I’m about halfway through my revisions, and know what still needs to be fixed and written. I even know how I’m going to do it. I have a plan plus notes and an outline. Not flying blind, here.

Was happily printing out my 62K words so far, when things started going !!!!! Literally. Laptop printer icon said !!!!! and printer flashed same !!!!! Also, the last twenty or so pages printed made it clear I needed to change the ink cartridge. Alas, my grand plan was foiled for the moment. And my tech guy (Al) was at the football game. He had recently ordered extra ink cartridges and so even though it was a new printer, and laser not ink jet, I figured I’d try to change the cartridge.

Things did not go well. I figured okay Al will eventually come home and when he gets time he will fix everything for me and I will be humming a happy tune once again. Also, I don’t use the printer on Mondays because I blog and everything is online. Then I remembered I was hosting my book group on Thursday and I needed to shop, clean, and cook before then. So…maybe I can finish what I started on Friday.

As long as things get sorted before Mercury appears to move backward in the sky, I’m good. For more on exactly what Mercury Retrograde is, see Susan’s post here.

6 responses

  1. JT Twissel

    Yikes – doesn’t sound very good. Perhaps time to clean the house!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Cynthia Harrison

      Jan, I take it all with a grain of salt 😁 although I do have a superstitious streak!


  2. cheryloreglia

    This is amazing Cynthia! I’m not a follower of the stars so I appreciate the heads up on possible outcomes from this configuration. Might explain a few recent technological mishaps. I’m not signing with anyone in the near future but if someone wanted me I think I’d risk it and sign even though the stars may not align. I’ll definitely be watching my words both verbally and in print – Good tip!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Cynthia Harrison

      Cheryl I started out as a casual reader of horoscopes and somehow many years later I really get into it. Although the other day I read a magazine horoscope that said my life would be nothing but toil and trouble between now and April, which I didn’t believe for a minute.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Cheryl Capaldo Traylor

    So glad you survived ‘!!!!!!’ as ‘!!!!!!’ in tech speak can produce serious panic. I was born during a Mercury retrograde which I’ve always heard is an auspicious sign.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Cynthia Harrison

      Oh I think so Cheryl. Very auspicious. Or at least some inborn immunity to the travails of MercRetro. And yes my !!!! has been smoothed over. For now 🙏

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